Tuesday, July 22, 2014


You may be asking yourself, "Adenocarcinoma? What's that?" Well, my friend, THAT is the TYPE of pancreatic cancer that I have. Yes, there is more than one. I just happened to be diagnosed with the one that 95% of patients are diagnosed with. The one that is considered the most "lethal" of all cancers. So, don't be surprised if after you tell me, "I know someone who had pancreatic cancer and they're still alive after ________ blank number of years! You can beat this, too!!" I then ask you, "Did they have adenocarcinoma or Neuroendocrine?" There IS a difference!! Patrick Swayze had adenocarcinoma. Steve Jobs had neuroendocrine. One is rapidly growing (adenocarcinoma) & usually deadly within a year and one is slow growing (neuroendocrine) and, unless you're diagnosed at stage 4, usually has better outcomes than adenocarcinoma.

Adenocarcinoma, stage 2B...that is MY diagnosis. I am now stage 2B recurrent adenocarcinoma. I am NOT stage 4 and NEVER will be because I was not initially diagnosed with stage 4.
Another lesson in cancer I have learned. You ARE what your initial diagnosis is. Now IF my cancer had metastasized, I would be: Stage 2B with metastasis to (fill in the blank to whatever organ it has spread). Now you know WHY I will never be stage 4.

I did receive good news today. You see, with adenocarcinoma, there is a tumor marker they measure in the blood. It's called CA19-9. Normal range is 0-37. Pre-Whipple, I was 270. Post-op I was down to 15!! Sadly, with the recurrence of the cancer in my lymph node, it rose to 632!! Fortunately, going to a top notch cancer center & having one of the best medical oncologists in the country for pancreatic cancer, I am responding to the chemo in the clinical trial. Not that it has been a cake walk. It has not. Folfox is rough! GI symptoms and neuropathy in my hands & feet?!?! No bueno!! But, I am still here and am improving. How do I know? That crazy CA19-9 and my CT scans! My latest CA19-9 is down to 93!! So, I'm getting closer to 37!! Hopefully, within the next few months, they will declare me NED (No Evidence of Disease) and I will be off of chemo!!

Next blog...cyber stalkers and what you can do when dealing with a psychopath that has been released from jail.

Until then...much love to all!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Wow! Was that some break from my blog!

I'm so sorry for not keeping you up to date!! I've been busy, LIVING!!
I've also seen a couple of my fellow pancreatic princesses pass, which was extremely difficult! They both were diagnosed with the same cancer & the same stage. God bless their souls!

I'll compose a "real" post tomorrow about what has been going on in the world of the Pancreatic Cancer Princess, tomorrow.

For now, I'm living & working, like a normal week. No chemo this week. :)