Saturday, July 20, 2013

Could it be?

That my hair will grow back thicker and with a slight curl? I hope so, but am not stressed out about it, the wigs have been F-U-N! Plus, really? I'm battling what they call, "the most lethal" cancer & winning! TBtoG! (Thanks Be to God) NOTHING really bothers me anymore!

Here's 5 wacky ways your hair might grow back after chemo.[5%20wackyways]

Have a great day!
Love with all of your heart & pray for those that are lost & struggling.
Princess out <3


  1. Even if your hair grows in wacky or curly, usually after a year, it goes back to normal. thats what i heard=)

  2. Thanks! That's good to know! =)

  3. Jimmy and I are at vandy waiting waiting for labs and chemo! xxx
