Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tax deductible donations are greatly appreciated!!!

Less than 2 weeks away from PurpleStride-Nashville and I have RAISED the goal! Yes, I am hoping this last week and a half, my team can reach $5,000 to donate to PANCAN! Setting goals are what helped me beat this cancer, so far, and I'm going to keep exceeding every goal in my life! 

I'm sitting here preparing to return to work TOMORROW! A GIFT many of my fellow pancreatic cancer patients never receive! A gift I will never take for granted! I have an entirely different perspective on the definition of a "sick day" now! Hahahaha

I'm so very blessed and at the same time so very angry about this cancer. 
Here I sit after a diagnosis of what they call, "the most lethal" cancer, preparing to return to my new "normal" life.  Only 6% of those diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer survive to year 5 AND it ONLY receives 2% of NIH funding. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it weren't so deadly and it weren't on the rise. 

You see, it's almost October. Yes, the "pink" month. Fortunately, because of the branding and share of voice, nearly everyone on the planet knows what the pink ribbon stands for. I say KUDOS to Komen for helping raise awareness, making a difference & saving lives! Breast cancer is on the decline and the overall 5 year survival rate is now 85%! 

ALL CANCERS SUCK GIANT MOOSE GENITALIA! But now is the time for Purple & Pancreatic Cancer. While the other 4 cancers in the top 5: lung, breast, colon and prostate are ALL on the decline, sadly, pancreatic cancer is on the rise. Unfortunately, in the next 2-3 years, pancreatic cancer will become the number 2 cancer killer in the US. That means more Moms, like me, under 50 will be diagnosed and die from this cancer. Women will be more concerned about pancreatic cancer than breast cancer because it is so lethal. Hell, many of these Moms are under 40 being diagnosed with small children. The vast majority of them will never see their children graduate from high school. I at least was able to experience that with my son. 

I could go on with the stories of the loved ones I have met on my journey with pancreatic cancer. I've grown to love and protect my pancreatic cancer brothers and sisters. That is what they are, family. Like all families, we just want to live and make memories. 

Please join us in the fight and donate your tax deductible amount! No amount is too small. Please  consider giving up that Starbucks and donate to PurpleStride-Nashville. And share my blog and page to help us raise awareness and research funding for pancreatic cancer. 

Alyson Goodwin's Personal Page for TN - PurpleStride Nashville 201

Thanks y'all! 
Princess out <3

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Time...9 months...a LOT can happen in a short span of time

"Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time."~Jim Rohn

A LOT can happen in 9 months:
a pregnancy
a  life changing diagnosis
a marriage
a divorce
a birth
a death
a LOT can happen in the span of 9 months...a LOT of living and dying. A great deal can happen in the span of a few short months.

9 months ago I was a perfectly "healthy" mother of a 20 year old. Now, almost 9 months later, I'm a blessed and miraculous "survivor"of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. It's funny for me to say "survivor". I'm less than a year into my diagnosis & I know the statistics very well. 80% of recurrences happen within the first 2 years. So until I reach 2/18/15, I'm quite certain I'll be a little on edge that the evil witch will return. In the next 9 months , I have to return to VICC, no less than 4 times. 

So much has changed in a short amount of time. I do not take anything for granted now. I learned to forgive and ask forgiveness. I learned that some people are not meant to be in my life. I  learned that you can't help someone who can't help themselves. I learned the 3-legged, one-eyed, mangy dog will NEVER be, "Best in Show" at Westminster. I learned I have a beautiful and blessed life and wouldn't trade places with anyone. I learned I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I learned that I am loved and the most important people in life are the givers, not the takers.

Where will you be in 9 months? Where will you be in June 2014?
There are no guarantees in life, but my goal is to be alive, traveling, enjoying life, living & surrounded by positive uplifting people. I will NOT be a prisoner to my diagnosis. I am FREE!!!
How about you? Are you a prisoner? Yes? I'll pray for you...

Princess out <3

Friday, September 6, 2013

Miracle? Karma? Luck? Genetics? Or a combination?

TB2G!! I'm blessed! So blessed that I've been about to bust, all day long!!!!

What an amazing day! I wish I could bottle the joy & gratitude I have felt all day! It's days like today that help you get through the tough days.

Those dark days of pancreatic adenocarcinoma are in my past, for now, & praying for good. My Dr. Awesome believes they are behind me. My scan was completely clear. My CA19-9 remains in the teens. My weight is back to normal. My blood is recovering from the beat down of chemo & Dr. Awesome believes it is best to remove my port so I don't have a daily reminder of my cancer. Sweet thought, but I am forever changed because of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma & will live daily in my new "normal" as a survivor of PDAC. More importantly, my new "normal" includes all the brave fighters I've met fighting this cancer! I wish all were free of the evil witch!!!! 

I also had an appointment with my Endocrinologist. I had an ultrasound to measure the 1.6cm mass that was found on my thyroid last year. 
To my Doctors surprise, the mass is no longer there. She was in shock. The only thing she could attribute it to was, gemcitabine, the chemo for my PDAC.
Once I made it to my appointment with Dr. Awesome, I asked him, "Did my chemo have anything to do with that?" He replied, "I don't know, but I'll take credit." 
I'll gladly let him take credit because it is well deserved. Dr. Awesome led my team like a Champ. He guided me to one of the finest surgeons in the country in regards to the "Whipple". My Superstar Surgeon went the extra mile, making sure to not only completely resect the tumor & lymph nodes, but also resected the portal vein to insure negative margins. 

So, here I am in one of my favorite cities, Nashville. Thankful for a clean bill of health (other than my anemia) from both my Oncologist & Endocrinologist. 
There are no masses in me, nor cancer cells. I have been released to continue with my recovery, return to work & my new "normal".

I will be having my port removed 9/26. IF the evil witch returns, I will have another port placed. I will return to work on 9/30.
I will also be in the double top secret, Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center's Surveillance Program for those diagnosed with PDAC. Which means: I will be returning to VICC every 3 months for CA19-9s & CT scans. 

I will learn to live in the present, because it is a gift. 

The cancer may or may not come back. All I know is that today, I am grateful & I am whole. I am free of the evil witch. The Princess is free & at peace! 

I want to shout from the rooftops of Nashville, "TB2G! TB2G! GO TEAM VANDERBILT!! 
IF, God forbid, you are ever diagnosed with a Gastrointestinal Cancer, there is NO NEED to travel to Houston & MD Anderson or Johns Hopkins in Baltimore! We have a top notch facility with world-renowned, well respected thought leaders in the world of GI cancers right here in Nashville at Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center! 

Now, I'm going to enjoy the evening & weekend with my fabulous friends! 

I know I'll have challenges ahead, but if I can overcome this, I can overcome anything. As long as I have the support I've had through this, this Princess can take on the world. 

Thank you all!!! I love you so very much & am so humbled by the love & support. I never could have done this alone. TB2G, my family & friends. <3