A LOT can happen in 9 months:
a pregnancy
a life changing diagnosis
a marriage
a divorce
a birth
a death
a LOT can happen in the span of 9 months...a LOT of living and dying. A great deal can happen in the span of a few short months.
9 months ago I was a perfectly "healthy" mother of a 20 year old. Now, almost 9 months later, I'm a blessed and miraculous "survivor"of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. It's funny for me to say "survivor". I'm less than a year into my diagnosis & I know the statistics very well. 80% of recurrences happen within the first 2 years. So until I reach 2/18/15, I'm quite certain I'll be a little on edge that the evil witch will return. In the next 9 months , I have to return to VICC, no less than 4 times.
So much has changed in a short amount of time. I do not take anything for granted now. I learned to forgive and ask forgiveness. I learned that some people are not meant to be in my life. I learned that you can't help someone who can't help themselves. I learned the 3-legged, one-eyed, mangy dog will NEVER be, "Best in Show" at Westminster. I learned I have a beautiful and blessed life and wouldn't trade places with anyone. I learned I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I learned that I am loved and the most important people in life are the givers, not the takers.
Where will you be in 9 months? Where will you be in June 2014?
There are no guarantees in life, but my goal is to be alive, traveling, enjoying life, living & surrounded by positive uplifting people. I will NOT be a prisoner to my diagnosis. I am FREE!!!
How about you? Are you a prisoner? Yes? I'll pray for you...
Princess out <3
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