Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tax deductible donations are greatly appreciated!!!

Less than 2 weeks away from PurpleStride-Nashville and I have RAISED the goal! Yes, I am hoping this last week and a half, my team can reach $5,000 to donate to PANCAN! Setting goals are what helped me beat this cancer, so far, and I'm going to keep exceeding every goal in my life! 

I'm sitting here preparing to return to work TOMORROW! A GIFT many of my fellow pancreatic cancer patients never receive! A gift I will never take for granted! I have an entirely different perspective on the definition of a "sick day" now! Hahahaha

I'm so very blessed and at the same time so very angry about this cancer. 
Here I sit after a diagnosis of what they call, "the most lethal" cancer, preparing to return to my new "normal" life.  Only 6% of those diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer survive to year 5 AND it ONLY receives 2% of NIH funding. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it weren't so deadly and it weren't on the rise. 

You see, it's almost October. Yes, the "pink" month. Fortunately, because of the branding and share of voice, nearly everyone on the planet knows what the pink ribbon stands for. I say KUDOS to Komen for helping raise awareness, making a difference & saving lives! Breast cancer is on the decline and the overall 5 year survival rate is now 85%! 

ALL CANCERS SUCK GIANT MOOSE GENITALIA! But now is the time for Purple & Pancreatic Cancer. While the other 4 cancers in the top 5: lung, breast, colon and prostate are ALL on the decline, sadly, pancreatic cancer is on the rise. Unfortunately, in the next 2-3 years, pancreatic cancer will become the number 2 cancer killer in the US. That means more Moms, like me, under 50 will be diagnosed and die from this cancer. Women will be more concerned about pancreatic cancer than breast cancer because it is so lethal. Hell, many of these Moms are under 40 being diagnosed with small children. The vast majority of them will never see their children graduate from high school. I at least was able to experience that with my son. 

I could go on with the stories of the loved ones I have met on my journey with pancreatic cancer. I've grown to love and protect my pancreatic cancer brothers and sisters. That is what they are, family. Like all families, we just want to live and make memories. 

Please join us in the fight and donate your tax deductible amount! No amount is too small. Please  consider giving up that Starbucks and donate to PurpleStride-Nashville. And share my blog and page to help us raise awareness and research funding for pancreatic cancer. 

Alyson Goodwin's Personal Page for TN - PurpleStride Nashville 201

Thanks y'all! 
Princess out <3

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