I was told last night that all I talk about anymore is cancer. Really, wow, guess what? IT'S BECAUSE I HAVE CANCER!! Not only was I diagnosed with cancer, it happened to be the deadliest form of cancer one can get.
What do I say to those of you that don't want to hear about MY cancer or about Pancreatic cancer? KISS MY EVER SHRINKING, SOUTHERN GIRL ASS! I know, not very "ladylike", as my mother would have said, but this cancer is not ladylike.
If you don't like hearing about my cancer, unfriend me on Facebook, stick your head in the sand and live your perfect, little life. Ignore that a "friend" of yours is struggling with losing her identity. Hell, I've lost everything about my previous life. Please continue with your narcissistic little life and go on and bitch about meaningless things like who lost a ballgame, a coach you don't care for, the weather that is messing up your hair or how your kids are making a mess in the kitchen. Because those things are so much more important than the fact that I am fighting for my life.
Seriously, I know I'm comsumed with this. I bet if you were in my shoes, you would be too. I doubt you would be your happy-go-lucky self without a care in the world if you had been told you had pancreatic adenocarcinoma, known as the most lethal cancer on the planet. I call BULLSHIT on you if you say you would.
I am rapidly learning who my true friends are and who really doesn't get me. You know what? I don't care if you don't want to hear about my cancer. In the words of one of my best friends, "God Bless America, you have every right to ignore me." So, please do!
I am going to talk about MY cancer and the cancer that is trying to kill me and thousands of people like me. I'm going to keep talking about it so hopefully, one day YOU won't have to deal with it. God forbid, something really bad ever happens to those that don't want to hear about my cancer. I'm going to keep talking about Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma until the day I die, so get over it.
I'm going to keep talking about it until we get the funding that Prostate Cancer & Breast Cancer have.
So....GET OVER IT...I'm going to keep talking about it until I die...I hate this cancer. It's changed everything about my life. If you don't like it, then you're not the kind of friend I need in my life.
Alyson, talk and talk and talk and teach and teach and teach because we need your voice; you provide excellent information in a way that is very easy to understand, packed with helpful insight into this disease and its impact on your life. Since your diagnosis, I have learned so much! I have also come to understand that we'd better get research going on this thing because it's on the rise and yes, many many are going to face this cancer monster and all of us need to join in this fight!!!!! Keep talking!!!!! I so admire your writing skills, your honesty, your openness....I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Alyson. The kids hope you will come visit and teach/share with them. They have almost all been touched by cancer and they care and they will listen, listen, listen!