Sunday, April 7, 2013

I've learned

This is a happy post! <3

21 years ago yesterday, my life forever changed and I learned what unconditional love was all about.
My challenge with cancer is not my first brush with my mortality. When I was pregnant with Kyle, I was diagnosed with preeclampsia. For those of you that don't know what preeclampsia is, it is a life-threatening condition for pregnant women. To make a long story short, I was hospitalized several times and ultimately had to deliver Kyle via c-section 7 weeks early to save my life. He was taken to the NICU@East Tennessee Children's Hospital, while I was kept at Ft. Sanders. We both had a very rough time, post-partum. We both developed complications that could have taken our lives. Kyle was in greater danger than me. While I had just had him, I couldn't imagine my life without him. We were one of the fortunate ones who both survived preeclampsia. The only long-term complication we had was, Kyle was diagnosed with Epilepsy at age 6, but he never let it limit his "new normal".

You see, I've learned the most about life and love from someone 28 years younger than me.
I've learned patience, unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, perseverance, strength & courage from Kyle. From day one of his life he's been feisty and a fighter. Yet, he is also, loyal, loving, kind & compassionate. Even with his Epilepsy, he would often comfort me and tell me it would be okay. And you know what? It did all turn out okay. I'm still learning from this young man. I'm learning my heart can never be filled enough with love for him. I'm learning I couldn't be more proud of the young man he has grown up to be. I'm learning I too, can fight and persevere. I'm learning that he loves me as unconditionally as I love him. I'm learning it's okay to let go of control and just let things happen. I'm learning I'll be okay with whatever outcome comes from my battle with pancreatic cancer. I'm learning my son will be okay with whatever outcome comes from this battle. Why? Because he will. It's just what he's made of.

I've learned all this because of the 21 years I've watched a premie fight for his first breath. I watched a child, then teenager, fight for a normal life in spite of Epilepsy. I've watched a young man fight to overcome many challenges young adults face as they are spreading their wings into independence.

I've learned to pray for another 21 years of unconditional love. I've learned I'm going to be alright & Kyle is too. I've learned I'm loved, because I love. 

My Oxygen mask is on...go out and love today. <3

1 comment:

  1. Yup... even when you are the shortest kid on the juvenile football team and your helmet on your head is as big as you are -- go out and play ball. :-)
